silo sisters — Blog — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


silo sisters

2013 Fields Project Part 5: Shoot out!

My Candy Colored World, TravelAnne Leuck1 Comment

A few days before we departed for the

Fields Project

, fellow artist and good friend,

Cathi Schwalbe

posted this photo on Facebook with the caption:

Anne & Cathi head for the country.

We decided we needed to re-create the photo in this modern day setting, as the 'Silo Sisters' (you might recall from my earlier post - we each had a guest room for the week sleeping in the silo (behind us). We enlisted the help of fellow resident artist Barbara Diener and her vintage 4x5 camera. We have not seen her rendition yet, these are candid shots taken by our 'farm dad' Gary Bocker. He outfitted us with his pistol and shot guns and yep, we all took a turn with the 12 guage!

Cathi sporting the ruby red shell casings on her fingers with our esteemed photographer, Gary!

